Lorenzo Senni @ Institute of Contemporary Art London, May 17th

We dived into the sonic explorations of Milan-based artist Lorenzo Senni, founder of the respected experimental label Presto!?. After a thrilling 5-year hiatus from London, we’re delighted to have welcomed him back at the ICA. His work – an amazing deconstruction of rave culture in the 90’s, carefully analyses its constituent parts for reuse in a very different context and offers a unique and captivating journey through sound.

The Italian musician is responsible for a few of this decade’s most unique releases Persona (Warp, 2016), Quantum Jelly (Editions Mego, 2012) and Superimpositions (Boomkat Editions, 2014)

In 2016 Lorenzo Senni signed for legendary Warp Records and his EP “Persona” got awarded with the prestigious “Honorary Mention” at Prix Arts Electronica, one of the best known and longest running yearly prizes in the field of digital culture and music.

Lorenzo, who coined the term “Pointillistic Trance” and “Rave Voyeurism” to describe his approach, is as a sadistic scientist that is ripping the spinal cord out of trance and dangling it in front of our eyes.

Joined by Vanessa Bedoret

Vanessa is a London-based French violinist, vocalist and composer.

She integrates her classical background to experimental production, as a means to shape intimate and cinematic compositions. Treating songwriting as an instinctive process, she transforms her deeply personal experiences into pure emotion.

She joined Scenic Route, a label renowned for selecting and nourishing rising stars for the release of her debut album, Eyes, out on 8th of March 2024. With only a string of previous releases under her belt via independent labels like Laura Lies In and Archaic Vaults, her refined skill set has meant she’s been in high demand for both solo shows and collaborations.

Since 2023, she has been accompanying Astrid Sonne for her new album Great Doubt’s tour, as a string trio with Astrid and cellist Emma Barnaby. For her solo performances, she’s shared stages with Nourished by Time, Chanel Beads, Mark William Lewis, Voice Actor, Ekaterina Bazhenova-Yamasaki, John T. Gast and Nexcyia to name a few.